About Ed Tankersley
I’m Ed Tankersley. I’ve lived in Phoenix, Arizona, since 1980, when I moved here to go to college. My wife, Cathrine, and I have two teenage boys, Ridley and Ian.
Despite abundant evidence to the contrary, I’ve enjoyed the opinion throughout my life that I’ve done the research and put in the hours to figure out the right way to do just about anything worth doing. I started this blog to share my guidance on these things that I see being messed up with alarming frequency, such as writing, driving, tipping, emailing, blogging, and bathroom etiquette. As this site has grown, these “pronouncements” have been given their own category – Make the World Better – and they’ve made way for other things.
I encourage you to share your opinions, even argue with my hard-earned life lessons. Just do so with the same intelligence, humor, and humility that I bring to my posts.
What qualifies me to make these pronouncements, you may ask? Having my own blog isn’t enough?
Here’s where I’ve gathered and continue to gather these life lessons:
- outdoorsman
- professional writer
- Wilderness EMT
- web designer
- ski patroller
- woodworker
- soccer fan
- IPA quaffer
- mountain biker
- trivia master
- juggler
- fly fisherman
- crappy golfer
- expert speller
- entrepreneur
- snowboarder
- orienteer
- volunteer
- husband
- pickup owner
- backpacker
- absinthe aficionado
- frisbee golfer
- geocacher
- voracious reader
- pint glass collector
- jalapeno eater
- dad
I know I am, but what are you?